NWC Swim Meet Volunteers - NW


YMCA summer swim teams emphasize teamwork, sportsmanship and personal achievement. Summer swim team is dependent on volunteers to make the meets run smoothly. Volunteer opportunities include: Check in, Stroke and Turn Judges, Clerk of Course, Kid Pusher, Timer, Hospitality, Clean up Swim meets on June 28th, July 12th, July 19th, July 26th, and August 2nd. Home Meets are the 12th and 19th.

6903 Carpenter Fire Station Cary, NC 27519 United States

Shane Tillett Aquatics Director Shane.Tillet@ymcatriangle.org

Please provide a 24-hour cancellation policy.

Children & YouthCommunitySports & Recreation


NWC Swim Meet Volunteers - NW
How You Can Help
Work a Shift
Date Day Time Role Need